Diet Plan

Medical Weight Loss Clinic located in Fort Lauderdale, FL

Diet Plan

Diet Plan services offered in Fort Lauderdale, FL

Nutritional management is one of the key components of a weight loss program. At Prestige Weight Loss Clinic in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, the team provides personalized nutritional management. They work one-on-one with you, designing a nutrition program that fits your weight goals, lifestyle, and budget. Find out more about nutritional management by calling the office or scheduling an appointment online today.

Diet Plan Q & A

What is nutritional management?

Nutritional management is one of the tools the team at Prestige Weight Loss Clinic uses to help you reach your weight goals. What you eat affects your health and weight. However, figuring out what you should or shouldn’t eat is hard, especially when there are so many mixed messages.

Prestige Weight Loss Clinic is a medical weight loss clinic that uses evidence-based tools to help you reach a healthy weight. Nutrition is one of the main components of any weight-loss program. 

The team at Prestige Weight Loss Clinic provides nutritional management, teaching you about food and how it affects your health, weight, and hunger. Then, they work with you, creating a plan to improve your nutrition, making it easy for you to maintain a healthy weight. 

What can I expect during a nutritional management consultation?

You can expect a compassionate and professional nutritional management consultation at Prestige Weight Loss Clinic. The team takes a detailed diet history, including what you typically eat during the day, who does the cooking and shopping, and the factors influencing your food choices (stress, family, convenience).

The team may also ask you to keep a food diary to better understand your typical eating pattern. 

Your provider at Prestige Weight Loss Clinic uses the information they gather during your nutritional management consultation to create a diet plan that works for you. Making changes to your usual diet is hard. 

The team works with you, helping you make small, manageable changes to improve your nutrition and weight.

What do I eat on a nutritional management program?

What you eat on your nutritional management program depends on your food tastes, budget, goals, and health. However, your nutritional management program emphasizes a variety of nutrient-rich foods from all the food groups, including:

  • Fruits and vegetables
  • Whole grains
  • Healthy sources of protein
  • Low-fat dairy products or plant-based alternatives
  • Healthy fats

The team encourages you to limit foods high in fat and sugar, like fast food, snack foods, and fried foods. These foods are high in calories and offer little nutritional value.

The team schedules regular follow-up visits online to help you create diet changes that lead to long-term weight management. They also offer weight loss medications to help with appetite control while you make lifestyle changes that lead to better health.

To learn more about nutritional management at Prestige Weight Loss Clinic, call or schedule an appointment online today.